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SEND Evaluation

Data for SEND Children 

Assessment Period  Working Below Expected Standard  Working at Expected Standard  Exceeding the Expected Standard 
EYFS Good Level of Development  = 2 children  50%  50%
Phonics Year 1 = 7 children  57% 43
Phonics Year 2 
KS1 Combined = 9 children  75% 25%
KS1 Reading  = 9  children  50% 25% 25%
KS1 Writing = 9 children  25% 25%
KS1 Maths = 9 children  62% 25% 13%
KS2 Combined = 8 Children  67% 33%
KS2 Reading = 8 Children  67% 33%
KS2 Writing = 8 Children  67% 33%
KS2 Mats = 8 children  67% 33%


Scaled score for reading 90.6

Scaled Score for maths 92.9

Progress for reading -3.1

Progress for writing  -5.5

Progress for maths 4.2