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Intent and implementation 

To build a curriculum subject which ensures children recognise and celebrate cultural diversity. To design a curriculum subject which results in children understanding what it means to be a British Citizen or, someone from another country who lives in Britain. We intend to promote a culture where children can explore the many religions of the world so that they know and understand more about the world around them. As a result, our children will be able to explore, debate and compare what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live.

To build a curriculum subject which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge. To design a curriculum subject with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the Wakefield Agreed Syllabus so that children can reach and exceed their potential to learn more, understand more and remember more.

Carlton follows the Programme of Study for RE as suggested in the Wakefield Agreed Syllabus and has a scheme of work that reflects this for each Key Stage. This SOW is designed to support teachers deliver high quality lessons. During each Key Stage pupils are taught knowledge, skills and understanding through learning about Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jewish and Humanist people through three key questions: Believing, Expressing and Living. Each unit of work identifies prior learning and shows how this is built upon. Teaching: RE is taught in a block unit (termly/ half-termly) to allow suitable links to be made to specific religious festivals taking place. Resources: Children gain a deeper understanding of the religion studied through the use of high-quality resources/artefacts.

Planning and Teaching: The following skills are used, in order to strengthen the skills and deepen the understanding and knowledge taught: Investigating, Reflecting, Expressing, Interpreting, Empathising. Attitudes fundamental to RE: Curiosity and wonder, commitment, fairness, respect, self- understanding, open-mindedness, critical mindedness and enquiry. These work alongside the SMSC links and British Values implemented within school as a whole. Assemblies: Whole school and Class. Visits and Visitors: visits to our local community church (St Mary’s), visits from the church leader to deliver assemblies and participate in classroom-based learning and visits from the Humanist Society.  Pupil Discussion: Children can discuss and compare the lives of people they have studied from a variety of different religions.


RE Scheme of Work

 RE Scheme of Work.docxDownload
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Knowledge Organisers

 Updated - Why are festivals important to religious communities.docxDownload
 Updated -How and when do we celebrate special and sacred times.docxDownload
 Updated -How should we care for others and the world, and why does it matter.docxDownload
 Updated -Why is Jesus inspiring to some people.docxDownload
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Yearly Overview

 Religious Education Overview.docxDownload
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RE Road Map

 RE Progression Map.docxDownload
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